Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Celebrate AUSTRALIA DAY-- love your neighbour even if you don't always like them .

Trust Michael Leunig to settle the dust and the hype on Australia day.

What a great challenge he has given us to think through what it might mean to really celebrate our home together . What a great challenge to look forward to meeting our neighbours - whoever they are . It can hard though as we hardly know them . We shouldn't feel bad that we don't like each other , but Michael's call is the great and effective one from our past . Love thy neighbor as you love yourself
Love is not only the bigger and harder thing, its the best thing. Take the classic left right division
I don't like -many conservatives because most are too often comfortable with the status quo .
-the left powerbrokers of the moment because they think they know what is right , who is wrong and NOW think they can corral us with laws they make up as they go along .   Too bad I can at least think about love , and where to get it when I need some more.

1 comment:

Little John said...

Yet Ali and Annabelle Crabbe couldn't help but stir the cynical pot ( that they made out they were so concerned about-) on Australia Talks - It wasn't really the people talking-- it was more them whining and looking for more whine ,
They just had to revive, like some lost for a cause and ripe for a conspiracy types (that these old lefties are ?) on their old themes of sexism , racism and the black side of determinism - discrimination.
They splash the walls with blood ,not realizing that they are thinking poor person ( like some patronizing old fuddy duddies who look like they care
but dont really get child care )when and the people think something different "I have got to get what he's got and then i'll be happy " ( greed )-- they tell us they have consensus when they are causing conflagration>
They call what's good ( diverse gifts and staifaction with contentment ) bad (Isaiah 5 :20 ) and are too blind to see it. Lost is the correct description of their dance around http://meredescription.blogspot.com Not science but modren quackery and plain greed running red under the surface .
They splash the walls with blood ,not realizing that the ABC club are the biggest cynicism town . No decent testimony could get past old DOOGUE who has everyone convinced HER experience of the Catholic church is every Christians experience of GOD -- talk about thought control.
His royal highness Cassidy proclaiming a new law that would rid us of evil men by taking their money, power and influence away . Takes one to know whom that is ? If they knew where to find evil they would have got there in their fifty years of searching? No still lost and looking in only one direction making them as religious as anyone and fighting evil ghosts of their making eg Pell
Have to say Annabelle retort about the Lords Prayer brought some order to what should be--a program ABOUT NOT taking stats seriously . Mere description glasses are ones that cause the ABC to be so blinkered ( Give us some history on popular concepts that were wrong like Mediawatch did on "Dark Emu" that day )
Confession from the ABC - we will celebrate such needed repentance !
Now for David and Ita to remove the trees that have had their time in the earth and produced nothing but bitter fruit .