Let me suggest that most of us have at least three reasons why we might not do this
- We don't actually know the identity let alone HOW to achieve that goal
- Even if we know the goal, we can be expected to be easily discouraged by the profound application difficulty and dedication required to reach that goal. There are easier things to do for yourself and defining public good goals that can be achieved takes great wisdom.
- We are most likely to be presently doing something else at the moment.
There will be other discouragements like- the goal may look small compared to some, but let's just ignore them because I believe self-satisfaction is the best kind of reward any of us can expect and one achievement can be expected to drive the desire for more.(cf the lack of rewards in self-serving )
Lots of questions . I hope, in subsequent posts to describe how we can keep in touch with a sound goal in our own patch (cause that is the only way to see and achieve that goal)
Let me list one goal ( listing contraints may take the focus off the objective here and start the not so critical reality that there will be discouragements )
WORTHY and achievable GOAL
1, To pay to farmers the margin required to make food production profitable and their use and investment in
the land more sustainable, Some background Some background to the present realities in the West