Saturday, August 13, 2022

So what flag will you fly in future ?

If you want some deep inspiration to find a FLAG we can ALL fly , read G K Chesterton's ( Father Brown author- "Flag of the World" ) where he, not only points out what sort of patriots we can ALL be,

BUT ALSO why we should reject the traitors like Pirate Peter Fitzimmons who "use the freedom that life allows to lure people away" from the flags that we CAN unite under. 

As for Australis biggest inspiration in 2022?. Jacinta prices address to
Parliament .

It will go down in history as the greatest call to mystic patariots in the modern era . 

And did our parliament recognise it ?

Just for the record  I am  not against eventually modifying the flag but not Australia day because that would deny the West its history . I am not against using "welcome to country"  but I am against the modern madness of nagging ( making it a heading for every event and meeting in he country)_ 
August 2022. 

Nagging is  just not wise 
Did not anyone tell the members that domestic violence is increased  by nagging . That verbal abuse is rightly prosecutable under law as is physical abuse .

Lets have sustainable ways of working through anger and aggression , listening and  learning.
If Parliament want to do something  about the growing problem of domestic violence  and family stress  they would do well to resist tokens , laws , alcohol purchase and trying to prosecute physical violence without addressing that which often precedes it -- verbal abuse  .That way police and other  officers may get past the door to help. 

 I often say in these pages what I hate , but i will be brief because th e  important bits must  come first ,
Peter Fitzimmons and others like Malcolm Turnbull ,  Steggals , and   Holmes  a court use their huge financial resources to lecture us about being dinosaurs  and how backwards we are .
I just pray they will realize  where light comes from , who has been leading them into their dimly lit progressive darkness  ,and  pray that they grow up ,repent and relearn  .  
The reality is they are all children and haven't ever faced their own weak thoughts, let alone the dangerously blunt ideas  they insist we hear.