Monday, July 18, 2022

Avoid cynicism and being a smart arse - it can kill you .

  Good intention is great but knowledge is critical to make sure your passions produce a reward
One good intention that we all have is to find a way to reduce our excessive reliance on fossil fuels . I won't cover that here but one author at the bottom will help you think more deeply more that most people are doing at the moment . 

Yes you too can make progress beyond what most people do  if you ignore the noise from behind you . 

Cynicism can kill you if you fail to be be realistic about yours and others real reason for failure .
You''ll notice i hope that i am not advocating a wild optimism promoted by some who trump reason with visions of real estate glory . 
If you are  a young person reading this,  all hands to you because us oldies won't often reveal the reason for our own inertia and depressing cynicism .
Imagine for a moment your parents when they were your age . They were probably as  enthusiastic as many of you to do good  ; and that's a very good thing!

So what happened? . Maybe they have tried and failed and are trying to cover their tracks by  sweeping the brush over your ambitions and theirs as well .  "Dad please explain - surely it wasn't all the other persons problem ?" Its very hard to trace the origins of ignorance -don't rely on ABC fact checking!
Whatever is really going on.  its always better for you as a young person to face the truth . dig deeper cause the truth can truly set you free 
Us oldies are notorious for generating cynicism  

Take The epidemics of depression and cynicism  at the moment .

You can tell its actual owner depression and a sense of despair because the outside realists and knowledgeable optimists don't care that most people don't know things -- that's normal . That average citizens don't know much is normal .Those of us who lead, lead from the edge. not from the centre  
What's always needed and lacking,  is real leadership .You know some examples of all talk poor leadership ,  I am sure . The false prophets  are mentioned in the research abstract below  

What's really weird is that some oldies think the laggards in their midst are the problem,

No --working knowledge of what to do about the agreed problems in what the problem is . Watch out for bullshit bingo on this . people who know the name of the process are everywhere , but not THOSE of us who study the process and how to follow it so it works --  this is critical requirement often now missing in leaders and their committees of confusion   UTOPIA ABC . 

These self proclaimed progressive  oldies have got themselves into this strange position of actual  powerlessness thinking   -to think that its the old laggards that are preventing change is to think powerlessness in principle .  More often than not progressives need to look back and see what steps they missed . 
Deniers are supposed to be the real demons according to the "democracy really works magic agents ". Sorry.  but not in  the present - someone is making this huge challenge far too simple. Be practical and realistic if you want to really progress ( and not just talk about it -- can be just more bullshit bingo ) 

Those who say ," If only we could get 51% of people to agree to more action on climate change we would actually get more climate change action " are not logical or effective in their logic  yet its todays parliament . I  will leave that one with you .
The same overly simple modus operation of non sequitur for covid applies
, "If only every one would get vaccinated ten time s over we would rid the world on this evil beast" ( anyone who says that is familiar with evil but doesn't recognise it when its that close its up their nose)  .  Sorry but ignorance and projection , rather than any deep truth are operating here .

Sorry but there is clearly something wrong with the reasonability of cynical smart arses who make noise in  the media . This is evident in recent research  by the psychological profession 

Thankfully those who would jail us , or put all deniers on "happy -my logic is best pills", are losing ground because people who think and live closer to the ground make a lot more realistic sense that they as non- scientists ever did. 
Take the trash put out by the ABC's Ruecassle and equally sycophantic presenters . How easy this idiot makes problem solving . 

The challenge's are still there - its just that the media and the wannabes have lost  control of the collective mind 

'How the world really works ' by Vaclav Smil