Sunday, April 21, 2024

Anger can be a real killer

We need to be far wiser in responding to angry people. 
To do that well, we need to recognize that we get angry too. 
Infact all parties involved need to think through why many new ideas in this area are NOT WORKING - see below. 

Let's start by reviewing the history of ideas and what i am saying is common neglect of what works.

In the West we know , or used to know, the power of good words . Verbal assault carries similiar import in our culture to physical assault , yet nowadays an aside or a putdown , gas lighting , cancelling or a taunt , is seen as" no big deal" ( even though it s against several of the 10 commandments)

its true  that unless we can FIND a positive ,we will all go down in the negative . But short circuiting life to avoiding negative means we restrict ourselves to non resolution with reality ; we don't face reality and then move,  on as we need to .
Holding onto anger is a curse  and we need to show young people how NOT to do that.  

 The common counter accusations about whose loving and whose hating ,mean we are confused and confusing each other ; most people are not thinking or acting deeply here . 

We have an effective centuries old answer to preventing wrath .We just have to use it .The miracle is that with anger , being strong and direct with it YOURSELF can diffuse it on both sides.

If you practice dissipating it ( Its natural not naughty -by talking before the sun goes down) you can LEARN that its not good for YOU THEM or anyone to hold onto it ---- Is not this the big deal . hanging on to it!

Don't be harder , be smarter. For everyone's benefit. 

Young people  have a particular problem, because real life can seem too hard.  Do what you do well son and you will find the way to progress for yourself  .

BUT Some with some age still have lots to learn

Take some who would try to control our media and wannabes in government . 
Some of the more assertive think , quite wrongly, they can change the attitude of others by lecturing us about how bad we are and where we should treat each other better .

Such a technique simply doesn't work ( try it at home-- the angry wife is right but she won't control him by swapping chairs) and because it doesn't work, those using it in power, push word control and group "racism "even harder .
We must resist those who force such ineffective tyranny.

In real life there is always conflict
Free speech is the way to prevent all out warfare and many reactive controls imposed by fanatics to control it are wrong .
The reactionary position which just says anger is a sin are wrong. Anger can be a natural response ( adrenalin and nor adrenalin) and we need our worldview to help us manage it.

Many families will struggle to teach their children about how to deal with anger when 80% of marriages in Australia break up-often over it

Support TRUE independents who represent (not the plethora of "i will do it my way"'s), community TV ( ABC channels?),good Parent controlled education, counselling and Consider your VOTE well.

Thursday, June 08, 2023

No better jobs than these

No better job than helping people find good jobs to do - however simple.  Nothing need be wasted if you cut precisely. 
Moderns often make the mistake of thinking we must not cut , but cutting is what our Creator calls us to do. It's not easy or costless and can be very painful to do.
Nature is sensitive and delicate so we must understand it well before we cut anything there. By understanding  nature you will develop confidence to cut it because nature is resilient and reproductive as well . 
So learn to do it well
Precision in decision is your calling in whatever paddock or workshop you find yourself in  Keep the blades sharp and you won't need to do what the French did in the 1700's 

Last week at a concert we sang the great song by the duo Gershwin's "Nice work if you can get it "

The song ends with the words "Will YOU show me how ?"
No even though I spent half my life trying to find good work for young people ( Other peoples children ) I know I can't do it
Let me remind you then that you can't help many people and you too need to choose which ones you  should aim to help. 
What I can do is show you how  to run your own household and be a good parent 
To save time let me just tell you a story   ( the very short version as is fit for a poet ) 

Father to Son    Did you hit your brother ? 
Son  No !!  No ! 
Father   Off to your room ( so you can THINK about what you are doing and have done )
Father  Come out when you have something more to say 

OK  what is happening here?  Efficient conversation 
 Later  . None of the following may be necessary -- We don't want only more nagging  but some words can be helpful too
"Before you leave this house, you need to know that lying to yourself and to others is wrong and not good for you . You need to know who your enemy is and how to engage with him  " 

" Look son, I love you but I don't love some of the things you choose to do. If I get angry at you its often because of things you choose to do. You have been given absolute freedom by your Creator ( not me ) to do what ever you like.( Teach them to hate the sin but love the sinner
You do have bad thoughts which you can't do much about except not to act on them .More important than that, you need to admit to yourself ( noone else) that you have them and deal with them as bad ." {Jung rightly describes the only problem remaining is man himself. )

Mums might have the worst jobs in the world (in this case perhaps having the constant bad cop job of telling the child it is wrong to lie) but by the two cops working together, the good cop can take a different tack. It's always better and more effective IF we tell ourselves the truth and however long it takes it's time well spent. God help those who try to tell us these things. 

Don't fail --focus! 
I spent half my life trying to help young people who were not my own, to find good work .  Whatever I said did little to change their attitudes or their pathway. I have watched others too give their time generously too to other's children. Its been hard for them too because they can easily and deeply neglect their own families in the process.

What am I saying ? Choose well who you will help. I am saying don't overestimate what you can do for other peoples children but do a good job on your own (they too won't ever be perfect but focus on what builds resilience in households) 
 And if you haven't got children of your own teach yourself to do even the most basic of jobs well so that you will then learn to do everything well . 

And forget being remembered and appreciated , Doing your job well will lead you to get the best satisfaction you will ever get. 

(If you really want help, don't go straight to a psychologist, try an experienced poets like  Gershwins  .)

Saturday, May 20, 2023

We all have good sound reasons to be angry

For a start, we all know, as reasonable people, that even though we know things, we are not listened to.
That fact can make us rightly angry -- angry adrenalin responses can be OK-  it;s what our Creator built into us 

It's how we manage that anger that can make it good.
  Adrenalin is the dangerous and diverse effect gift to you to manage life for GOOD .And yes its also dangerous and easily part of the Bad .
 God wants you to properly author and counsel others with the truth. Its part or your arsenal to live the good life . Its particularly the weapon for good of those who are pushed down ( cf those who rise to the top

 I feel for Stan Grant (resigning from ABC) and Noel Pearson (because racism and isolation is on the increase), but they, like our post- modern culture are trapped by their inadequate attitudes to anger hatred repentance and forgiveness. They are overreacting to a real threat, but not really understanding the threat.

Mistargeting and overstating 
The monarchy and Christianity are not inherent threats to honoring diversity, but the very reason we have for centuries honored it.  
 It's how we deal with anger that's changed.
The post modernists have made anger a sin, when it is not. This is, as Os Guiness said, the West going East and losing itself in unproductive shaming, guilt and unforgiveness that perpetuates the pain and the adrenaline suppression (not good) 

Most of us were taught that God gets angry and that we should deal with anger before the sun goes down each day. Believers and their families ( incl children) could get hot under the collar and survive. They lived the wonderful truth that it was ok to be angry every day, but to deal with it in a positive  way .This limits, like nor-adrenaline, the damage that could now kill us.  
By making it a sin, it makes the person who SHOWS anger now feel very bad, ashamed and accused of shaming; the focus of gas lighters.  All the afore is unworkable unnecessary and inappropriate intransigence and pain.  

In rejecting their Christian heritage, the ABC have adopted, from the vacuum in the vault of pure reaction, some other old ideas that do not work.
The only way to make things work. for our children's sake, is to admit we have given into unforgiveness, shaming and not accepting that the many injustices done to us (or done to or by our forebears) are less important  that injustices done to people right now. 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Recognise those suffering from cognitive dissonance

IN THIS LOST AGE , EVERYBODY IS ANGRY -- almost all the time 
Life confuses all us at times.   never more than when mum and dad argue.
Never more than when anger and adrenalin doesn't fulfil its purpose or worse - is said to be a sin ( a heresy) 
The mistake some never grown ups make is to think the arguers hate each other.
Best to look deeper
Best to check those that confront others don't just HATE the action  - people who love you will sometimes insist on telling you the truth - even if it hurts
eg the arrogance and the insistence on getting own's own way
EVERYBODY IS ANGRY -- almost all the time because the post Christian world view of the highest morality is that everyone should be free to get what they want , Something we all tried out when we were children but its now the church where most people now worship 

Yes lovers can learn to hate each other but anger , dealt with before the sun goes down can be restorative .   We are living in an age of quick fix , no fix waste and divorce when we all need a way to be reconciled . 

Some children never get enough good shocks and LOVING WORDS to check their rebellion in a good way . Such people think the problem with  people is something wrong with people  other than themselves  ( projection)  .Thats a recipe for hell all around . Do we not have hell all around? 

The inability of a mother to correct her child leads to hate . Unless a miracle of insight love and forgiveness happens, the child can learn only to hate him/herself and others. 
Someone needs to ask some of those boy" Nazi's" trying to silence women in protests last week "what are your  relationships with your mothers?" . Why is it men who are leading in defence of their own position in " nazi " rallies 


MANY MODERNS in cognitive dissonance just FEAR ANGER because they don't understand it 

JB Peterson helps people understand our feelings and mind games . but he is banned from the ABC .  


Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Everyone has good ideas

 Everyone has good ideas ; I wish I could tell my wife that sometimes when she corrects me . But we get on OK cause , while we might need a daily  ( or is hourly)  reminder in each decision we make, we don't let the anger of not being listened to ( I hope you don't feel it as often as  this old grump does ) stop us from communicating in the tough and sparky way that we are meant to.
When "Iron sharpens iron" is mentioned in Psalm 27:17 its implied that  SPARKS WILL FLY . 

The inspiration in this momentary war is that a more productive refined decision will and can often be made if we truly listen.
YES  - Its  worth waiting for the result of the adrenalin rush - we all should be celebrating at the end of the day ( when our anger (or rather our sinful reaction to anger ) , and should be apologised for -- "before the sun goes down" ). Look forward  to the end of the day,and don't let the waste of words hang around for a lifetime . 
Look forward  to the noradrenalin rush  that we can share  together( anger seems to precipitate more anger )  had a good day with good decisions  made . Don't be afraid of anger - its not a sin.  Look at Jesus ! Be angry,  but apologize for the sin ( your condemnation of the person?? or whatever  )

I started to write this today, because unlike the satisfying result that can happen when we fight fair and for the truth and the precision required to make good decisions ( boy its hard to listen though isn't it when YOU and I are such experts ) is the focus 
1. Doug Cameron whose simple approach ( almost Marxist ) to solving  problems normally drives me nuts , said something profound in Parliament this week ( Need for housing) . Marxism doesn't work mate , so get onto something that does . 
2.The ads on TV SBS . We are away of holidays and while we have stimulating days , we like a bit of news . But what silly sales talk and simplistic insurance and betting solutions and inane commentary . We switch it  off -its not helping, even  though it makes out like the litte gods they are  that they are "OH so caring "  One blatantly outrageously simple   ad is giveing $5 a month to stop Pneumonia  and save a child . Children with Pneumonia  are dying from multiple causes and just fixing that one won't deal with the cause of that poor child's situation . 
 Trust you get something other that stupid screen talk today 


Saturday, August 13, 2022

So what flag will you fly in future ?

If you want some deep inspiration to find a FLAG we can ALL fly , read G K Chesterton's ( Father Brown author- "Flag of the World" ) where he, not only points out what sort of patriots we can ALL be,

BUT ALSO why we should reject the traitors like Pirate Peter Fitzimmons who "use the freedom that life allows to lure people away" from the flags that we CAN unite under. 

As for Australis biggest inspiration in 2022?. Jacinta prices address to
Parliament .

It will go down in history as the greatest call to mystic patariots in the modern era . 

And did our parliament recognise it ?

Just for the record  I am  not against eventually modifying the flag but not Australia day because that would deny the West its history . I am not against using "welcome to country"  but I am against the modern madness of nagging ( making it a heading for every event and meeting in he country)_ 
August 2022. 

Nagging is  just not wise 
Did not anyone tell the members that domestic violence is increased  by nagging . That verbal abuse is rightly prosecutable under law as is physical abuse .

Lets have sustainable ways of working through anger and aggression , listening and  learning.
If Parliament want to do something  about the growing problem of domestic violence  and family stress  they would do well to resist tokens , laws , alcohol purchase and trying to prosecute physical violence without addressing that which often precedes it -- verbal abuse  .That way police and other  officers may get past the door to help. 

 I often say in these pages what I hate , but i will be brief because th e  important bits must  come first ,
Peter Fitzimmons and others like Malcolm Turnbull ,  Steggals , and   Holmes  a court use their huge financial resources to lecture us about being dinosaurs  and how backwards we are .
I just pray they will realize  where light comes from , who has been leading them into their dimly lit progressive darkness  ,and  pray that they grow up ,repent and relearn  .  
The reality is they are all children and haven't ever faced their own weak thoughts, let alone the dangerously blunt ideas  they insist we hear.   

Monday, July 18, 2022

Avoid cynicism and being a smart arse - it can kill you .

  Good intention is great but knowledge is critical to make sure your passions produce a reward
One good intention that we all have is to find a way to reduce our excessive reliance on fossil fuels . I won't cover that here but one author at the bottom will help you think more deeply more that most people are doing at the moment . 

Yes you too can make progress beyond what most people do  if you ignore the noise from behind you . 

Cynicism can kill you if you fail to be be realistic about yours and others real reason for failure .
You''ll notice i hope that i am not advocating a wild optimism promoted by some who trump reason with visions of real estate glory . 
If you are  a young person reading this,  all hands to you because us oldies won't often reveal the reason for our own inertia and depressing cynicism .
Imagine for a moment your parents when they were your age . They were probably as  enthusiastic as many of you to do good  ; and that's a very good thing!

So what happened? . Maybe they have tried and failed and are trying to cover their tracks by  sweeping the brush over your ambitions and theirs as well .  "Dad please explain - surely it wasn't all the other persons problem ?" Its very hard to trace the origins of ignorance -don't rely on ABC fact checking!
Whatever is really going on.  its always better for you as a young person to face the truth . dig deeper cause the truth can truly set you free 
Us oldies are notorious for generating cynicism  

Take The epidemics of depression and cynicism  at the moment .

You can tell its actual owner depression and a sense of despair because the outside realists and knowledgeable optimists don't care that most people don't know things -- that's normal . That average citizens don't know much is normal .Those of us who lead, lead from the edge. not from the centre  
What's always needed and lacking,  is real leadership .You know some examples of all talk poor leadership ,  I am sure . The false prophets  are mentioned in the research abstract below  

What's really weird is that some oldies think the laggards in their midst are the problem,

No --working knowledge of what to do about the agreed problems in what the problem is . Watch out for bullshit bingo on this . people who know the name of the process are everywhere , but not THOSE of us who study the process and how to follow it so it works --  this is critical requirement often now missing in leaders and their committees of confusion   UTOPIA ABC . 

These self proclaimed progressive  oldies have got themselves into this strange position of actual  powerlessness thinking   -to think that its the old laggards that are preventing change is to think powerlessness in principle .  More often than not progressives need to look back and see what steps they missed . 
Deniers are supposed to be the real demons according to the "democracy really works magic agents ". Sorry.  but not in  the present - someone is making this huge challenge far too simple. Be practical and realistic if you want to really progress ( and not just talk about it -- can be just more bullshit bingo ) 

Those who say ," If only we could get 51% of people to agree to more action on climate change we would actually get more climate change action " are not logical or effective in their logic  yet its todays parliament . I  will leave that one with you .
The same overly simple modus operation of non sequitur for covid applies
, "If only every one would get vaccinated ten time s over we would rid the world on this evil beast" ( anyone who says that is familiar with evil but doesn't recognise it when its that close its up their nose)  .  Sorry but ignorance and projection , rather than any deep truth are operating here .

Sorry but there is clearly something wrong with the reasonability of cynical smart arses who make noise in  the media . This is evident in recent research  by the psychological profession 

Thankfully those who would jail us , or put all deniers on "happy -my logic is best pills", are losing ground because people who think and live closer to the ground make a lot more realistic sense that they as non- scientists ever did. 
Take the trash put out by the ABC's Ruecassle and equally sycophantic presenters . How easy this idiot makes problem solving . 

The challenge's are still there - its just that the media and the wannabes have lost  control of the collective mind 

'How the world really works ' by Vaclav Smil