Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Being really good at something and getting better at it

Just posting a few thoughts on  4 words I reckon WE all need to know to educate ourselves  and find a way forward on personal growth. Each WORD is in a different language The first one is critical and difficult because taking a step backward can be the hardest thing we ever do - the language of truth in repéré (fr) See next site.
The  next word after that is the Hebrew word "radah"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A great job for someone to aspire to

We so need another Rick Farley. Great idea to review his life and work-recent biography . We certainly need more people like him who believe there is a better way to look after BOTH our people and our land.
For such people to be effective( surely part of the high risk for him),new candidates need to know the enemy better than it is currently articulated by institutions(the danger then and now )
while wannabes continue to play their own shallow game of splash in our profession -its hard to see stability. Average aussies and students need to call for careers not jeers at the opposition .
A more robust personal ,professional and political agenda still remains one of the biggest ,best and most rewarding challenges for young Australians - be warned -there are no quickfixes but lots prepared to waste their time on them. Train well and let us know how its going! http://dogood.blogspot.com